Sunday, November 2, 2008


On Halloween, I made Dinner In a Pumpkin. This has long been a tradition in my family. However, up until just a couple years ago, my mom always used a recipe that was, well, gross. Luckily, she recently tried some different recipes that gave new life to Dinner In a Pumpkin and saved the tradition from certain doom. Last year I made it myself for the first time from a recipe I found on the internet. It was pretty yummy, so I made it again this year from the same recipe (I omitted the mushrooms though):

Dinner In a Pumpkin
1 med. size pumpkin, topped and cleaned out
1 lb. ground beef, browned and drained
1 pkg. UNCLE BEN'S® long and wild rice, fixed according to directions
1 can mushrooms or 1 c. fresh mushrooms
1 can cream of mushroom soup

Combine ingredients and put in pumpkin. Put top on pumpkin. Place pumpkin on cookie sheet in oven preheated to 350 degrees. Bake for 2 hours.

Serve dinner in pumpkin. May use pumpkin as vegetable and serve with butter and brown sugar or honey. Do not open pumpkin while baking or it will expand and top will not fit on pumpkin again.

The night before, we carved pumpkins. Here's a picture of our masterpieces:

After putting Aaron to bed (he wore his costume for about half an hour), we had dinner, handed out candy, and finished out the evening eating Muddy Buddies and watching Simpson's Treehouse of Horror.


Unknown said...

whoa. i've never heard of this before! sounds tasty.

sam c.hart jr said...

What a great Idea! I will have to try it. I love this new background for the blog.